How to Take Care of a Human

Being human is a delicate balance between what we all need as beings on this earth and what we as individuals need to fulfill our true desires; or at least, aspire towards them. We are complex creatures. Our commonalities link us together while our inane preferences, personalities and quirks give us our own stamp; our own North Star that’s only for us to follow. While no two of us are exactly alike, and our minds can dysfunction uniquely, it is our human-ness, I believe, that can lead us back to repair when we feel lost.

Speaking from my own experience of being an overthinking 20-something living in this fast paced technologically advanced world, reminding myself of my ‘human-ness,’ and keeping a daily ritual to support my most basic- but intrinsically fundamental needs- is about the only thing that helps me stay rooted and in a state of peace.

Here are the things I do/live by everyday to care for my human-ness

1 Drink Water

If I don’t get enough water in a day, I can very quickly feel the negative effects. Maybe I’m very sensitive to dehydration OR maybe it’s that we as humans need lots of water because we are mostly made of water. Fellow humans, drink UP for energy and all around better mental and physical functioning.

2 Eat Mindfully

Our bodies can put up with a surprising Mahjong Ways amount of unhealthy foods- if you’re like most, you’ve put this to the test. I can’t say that I haven’t. But what I can say is, when I fuel my body with nourishing foods, the difference is like night and day. I go from lethargic, foggy and anxious to vibrant, clear-headed and calm. Nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then, but truthfully, your food (fuel) decides how you feel. So, how do you want to feel?

3 Move

This has recently become a BIG one for me. I have always in the past gone on and off of exercise routines. It honestly wasn’t until this year during the COVID-19 isolation that I decided to put my extra effort into working out. And WOW. Within just a week or two of routine exercise I notice a substantial improvement in my overall mood, energy level and even- outlook on life. When I move my body regularly, it has a calming and cleansing effect. This one’s easy to take for granted, but really so vital. We are meant to be on the move. Not doing so, not only fights against our very nature, but can cause illness. I exercise not only for my physical well-being, but for my mental health.

4 Stay Connected (to Other Humans)

Whether you call yourself an introvert or an extrovert, the fact of being human still remains: we crave connection. Sure, the world looks different today. More so as I’m writing this as we are not yet out of the pandemic woods. But no matter how much technology advances and how easy it is to get your groceries without even leaving the house, we still need each other. And that will never change. It’s amazing what connecting with others does to the human psyche. In relating, empathizing and laughing with fellow humans, you think outside yourself and your personal burdens are lifted.

5 Live One Day at a Time

Planning far ahead into the future or spending today reminiscing on what has passed is (pardon my keyboard)… a mind f#$!. Our brains are not meant to work this way. I guess that’s why we invented calendars, planners and smartphones. While we require some extent of planning in our lives- at the same time, and moreover, we don’t. More than being prepared, we need to be actively present and profoundly aware. The alternative looks something like overwhelm or taking our lives for granted. Let’s live each day like its own little life, and leave the next for tomorrow.

6 Learn

In life, we never stop learning. If your first thought to this is, “Well, I’m out of school,” then you are turning your back on what are arguably the most beautiful things about being human; our curiosity and ability to learn, discover and from there, to create. When we stop seeking out new information we limit ourselves to only what we already know. While it is great to be confident in your abilities, the real magic happens when you surpass even that. In a reality where you can never know everything, continuing to seek knowledge is brave and just. Whatever it is in this life that you’re curious about, pursue it. It doesn’t have to change the world, but continuously expanding your mind will change yours.

7 Try

Trying is the only way that we can grow. The first time we do anything, we’re trying based on absolutely zero evidence that we can do it. We’ve never done it before in our lives, but we try anyway. Every time thereafter should be treated the same. Though we may be privy to certain know-how and now have some assurance that we’re capable, when it comes to trying, none of that matters. All that matters is giving yourself and your ego up fully to a new possibility. And there’s nothing more invigorating and renewing than that.

8 Go Outside

The trees… the fresh air… The sky and smell of the earth… Can you picture it? Of course you can, that’s where you came from. Wait- is this a guided meditation? It might as well be because that’s how soothing nature is to us. Spend as much time as you can outside. It will meet you where you are and cradle your soul.

9 Let Go

After everything, at the end of the day and before every new one, let go. Just like we aren’t meant to plan too far into the future, we are not meant to carry our past with us for too long. It is normal to have afterthoughts- even regrets- but if we’re not careful they will overshadow our present and create new ones. Which is a particular kind of hell. Sure, there are no “redos,” in life, but the path left in front of you is it’s own kind of redo. Either redo the past by not letting go of it, or use your redo to try something different. Whether you win or lose, let go. Because tomorrow is a new day that requires a new you.

10 Accept

There’s a difference between bettering yourself through the means of any of the channels listed above and wanting to be “better,” before you do anything. One is embarking on a journey of growth while the other is an ultimatum to a dead end. It is so easy to say you’re not ready for u,v and w, but that you will be once you reach x, y and z. But all that does is keep prolonging your life to be lived at a later date. Presumably when you’ve had more notice. The fault in this logic is that we never really get enough notice for anything in life. We will never truly be ready. You have to accept that you’re ready enough now. Accept yourself and your imperfect-ness and take that self compassion with you wherever you go and however you change. Because we encompass all versions of ourselves and are built up from them. Our circumstances included. When we accept everything in our lives, we gain the responsibility needed to effectively alter it.

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